Content in: Polski
W dniu 6 listopada 2019 roku na wrocławskim stadionie, odbyła się druga edycja „Dnia Paszportu” przy udziale władz Miasta Wrocławia i Konsulatu Honorowego Republiki Indii we Wrocławiu. W tym roku na stadionie pojawiło się blisko 2,5 tysiąca dzieci, w tym również uczniowie z Polonii białoruskiej.
Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej reprezentował Pełnomocnik Pan Leon Susmanek i Asystentka Konsulatu Pani Jolanta Kaleta. Spotkanie miało na celu zaprezentowanie wrocławianom 25 Konsulatów Honorowych, w tym także Konsulatu Generalnego Niemiec. Tym sposobem uczniowie szkół podstawowych i mieszkańcy Wrocławia mieli możliwość poznania kultur, zwyczajów oraz tradycji krajów i obcokrajowców, zamieszkujących i odwiedzających nasze miasto.
Pieczątki w paszportach to nie jedyne atrakcje, jakie czekały na uczestników spotkania ze strony Konsulatu Słowackiego. Dzieci przy stoisku słowackim mogły posmakować oryginalnych regionalnych smakołyków, a także dowiedzieć się różnych ciekawych informacji o Słowacji.
Stoisko promujące Słowację cieszyło się dużym zainteresowaniem. Dzieci mogły wziąć udział w różnych grach i konkursach, w których nagrodą były kubki, kredki, czy oryginalne słowackie słodycze. Leon Susmanek, pełnomocnik konsula honorowego Republiki Słowackiej, opowiadał także o pięknych terenach położonych w tym kraju, o jego tradycji i historii.
Content in: Niemiecki
On 6 November 2019, the second edition of the "Passport Day" took place at the Wrocław stadium, with the participation of the authorities of the City of Wrocław and the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of India in Wrocław. This year, nearly 2.5 thousand children attended the event at the stadium, including students from the Belarusian Polish community.
The Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic was represented by the Representative Mr. Leon Susmanek and the Assistant Consulate Ms. Jolanta Kaleta. The aim of the meeting was to present 25 Honorary Consulates, including the General Consulate of Germany, to the citizens of Wrocław. In this way, primary school students and residents of Wrocław had the opportunity to learn about the cultures, customs and traditions of countries and foreigners living and visiting our city.
Passport stamps were not the only attractions prepared for the participants of the meeting by the Slovak Consulate. Children at the Slovakian stand could taste the original regional delicacies and learn about Slovakia.
The stand promoting Slovakia was very popular. Children could take part in various games and competitions, in which the prize were cups, crayons or original Slovak sweets. Leon Susmanek, the representative of the Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic, also talked about the beautiful countryside, its traditions and history.
Content in: English
On 6 November 2019, the second edition of the "Passport Day" took place at the Wrocław stadium, with the participation of the authorities of the City of Wrocław and the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of India in Wrocław. This year, nearly 2.5 thousand children attended the event at the stadium, including students from the Belarusian Polish community.
The Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic was represented by the Representative Mr. Leon Susmanek and the Assistant Consulate Ms. Jolanta Kaleta. The aim of the meeting was to present 25 Honorary Consulates, including the General Consulate of Germany, to the citizens of Wrocław. In this way, primary school students and residents of Wrocław had the opportunity to learn about the cultures, customs and traditions of countries and foreigners living and visiting our city.
Passport stamps were not the only attractions prepared for the participants of the meeting by the Slovak Consulate. Children at the Slovakian stand could taste the original regional delicacies and learn about Slovakia.
The stand promoting Slovakia was very popular. Children could take part in various games and competitions, in which the prize were cups, crayons or original Slovak sweets. Leon Susmanek, the representative of the Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic, also talked about the beautiful countryside, its traditions and history.