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95. urodziny Jego Eminencji Księdza Kardynała Henryka Gulbinowicza

95th birthday of His Eminence, Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz

Date 18-10-2018

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

Polski English

Content in: English

95th birthday of His Eminence, Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz

On October 18, 2018, several thousand inhabitants of Wrocław came to the Hala Stulecia on Thursday evening for the celebration of the 95th birthday of the cardinal, which the President of Wroclaw Rafał Dutkiewicz sent. The event was honored by the NFM performance of the Leopoldinum Orchestra and the NFM Choir conducted by Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny. The cardinal amused the audience with his jokes; we, for our part, wish you a lot of health and joy.

On behalf of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia, the representative of the Consul, Ms. Anna Koblańska, took part in the event.

Lista konsulatów:

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Austria

Konsul Honorowy Królestwa Belgii we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Chile

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Finland

Honorary Consulate of France

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania

Honorary Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Malta

Honorary Consulate of the United Mexican States

Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Sweden

Konsul Generalny Ukrainy we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej we Wrocławiu

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Italy

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

Konsulat Królestwa Norwegii

Konsulat Honorowy Hiszpanii

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Indii

Konsulat Węgier we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Republiki Kazachstanu we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Gruzji

Honorowy Konsulat Estonii

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Turcji we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Federacyjnej Republiki Brazylii we Wrocławiu