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The 8th anniversary of the founding of the Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic in Wroclaw

Date 03-06-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

The 3rd of June, 2017, a ceremonial event was held on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the founding of the Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic in Wrocław. The guests of the Consulate Maciej Kaczmarski were numerous MPs, senators and other politicians, representatives of local government authorities, rectors of universities, representatives of uniformed services, representatives of business and culture, as well as many friends and acquaintances. The ceremony was graced by Maciej Maleczczuk's performance.
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Slovak Menu in Cesarsko-Królewska Restaurant

Date 02-06-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

The premiere of Slovak menu in the Imperial- Royal Restaurant was held on Friday, the 2nd of June. At the dinner were invited the Honorary Consul of Slovakia Maciej Kaczmarski, director of the Slovak Tourism Center in Poland Ján Bošnovič, culinary reviewer and authority Robert Makłowicz, chef in the Imperial-Royal Restaurant Michał Mamorski, sommelier Łukasz Grabowiec and Wroclaw bloggers, journalists and critics.
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Bešeňová Water Park

Date 23-05-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

National Tourism Centre of Slovakia invites you to visit Bešeňová Water Park.
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Vernissage of the exhibition "I saw all the churches in Slovakia"

From 18-05-2017 to 04-06-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

The 18th of May, 2017, a vernissage of Zdenek Dzurjanin's photography “I saw all the churches in Slovakia” took place in the Tenement House under the Angles in Wroclaw. The Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic in Wrocław was the co-organizer of the event. The exhibition includes 4125 Slovakian temples, which the author visited during 8 years of travel in Slovakia.
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Honorary Consulate of Latvia and Honorary Consulate of Slovakia on Europe Day

Date 09-05-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

The Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Latvia and the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovakia participated in the celebration of Europe Day.
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Meeting of the consular corps of Wrocław

Date 05-04-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

On April the 5th in the Art Hotel Restaurant meeting of the consular corps of Wrocław took place.
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Events in Slovakian Institute on April

Date 01-04-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

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The Third Intercultural Education Fairs

Date 23-03-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

The Plenipotentiary of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Latvia Szymon Makuch participated in the Third Intercultural Education Fairs, which took place on March 23rd in the Oratorium Marianum at the University of Wrocław.
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Lecture by prof. Eriks Jekabson “Baltic Countries: Between East and West: 16th-21st century”.

Date 06-03-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

Szymon Makuch, a representative of the Honorary Consul of the Latvian Republic in Wrocław, has participated in the lecture by prof. Eriks Jekabson from University of Latvia.
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The 70th Anniversary of the Wrocław University of Economics.

Date 02-03-2017

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

Szymon Makuch, a representative of the Honorary Consul of the Latvian Republic in Wrocław, has participated in the 70th anniversary of the Wrocław University of Economics.
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Lista konsulatów:

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Austria

Konsul Honorowy Królestwa Belgii we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Chile

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Finland

Honorary Consulate of France

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania

Honorary Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Malta

Honorary Consulate of the United Mexican States

Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Sweden

Konsul Generalny Ukrainy we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej we Wrocławiu

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Italy

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

Konsulat Królestwa Norwegii

Konsulat Honorowy Hiszpanii

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Indii

Konsulat Węgier we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Republiki Kazachstanu we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Gruzji

Honorowy Konsulat Estonii

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Turcji we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Federacyjnej Republiki Brazylii we Wrocławiu