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About business over a cup of coffee

Date 19-09-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

A meeting titled “Investment Possibilities in Latvia,” a part of the “Over a Cup of Coffee...” series, has taken place on the 19th of September 2016 at the Exhibition and Congress Centre in Opole.
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The commemoration of the 77th anniversary of the beginning of the World War II

Date 01-09-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

The Plenipotentiary of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Latvia Szymon Makuch participated in a commemoration of the 77th anniversary of the beginning of the World War II, which took place on the 1st of September 2016 at the Polish Soldiers’ Cemetery in Wrocław.
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The signing of the letter of intent regarding the cooperation of the consulates

Date 28-07-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

The Honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia Martin Kaczmarski and the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania Tomasz Kosoń signed a letter of intent regarding the actions of both consulates considering the economic, scientific and cultural cooperation of Lower Silesia and Opole region with Latvia and Lithuania.
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The opening of the Institute of Foreign Affairs Collegium Nobilium Opoliense

Date 13-07-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia in Wroclaw Martin Kaczmarski took part in the opening ceremony of the Institute of Foreign Affairs Collegium Nobilium Opoliense.
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Slovak Institute Programme for July and August

Date 01-07-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

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8th Meeting of the Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Latvia

From 30-06-2016 to 02-07-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

From 30th of June to 2th of July in Riga took place the 8th Meeting of the Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Latvia. Honorary Consul Martin Kaczmarski took part in the meeting.
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The Czechoslovak New Wave Movie Review

Date 23-06-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

On the 23th of June 2016 Howe Horyzonty Cinema presented next movie during The Czechoslovak New Wave Movie Review.
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7th anniversary of the Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic in Wrocław

Date 10-06-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

On the 10th of June 2016 the Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic celebrated its seventh anniversary.
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Opening of the exhibition „25 moments”

From 05-06-2016 to 14-07-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia in Poland Ilgvars Kļava and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia in Wroclaw Martin Kaczmarski opened the exhibition „25 moments” dedicated to the most important moments in the modern history of Latvia.
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Europe on the Fork Festival

From 01-06-2016 to 05-06-2016

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Słowackiej

The Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Slovakia invites you to a presentation of Slovakia during the Europe on the Fork Festival, which will be held within 1-5 June 2016 in Wrocław's Market Square.
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Lista konsulatów:

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Austria

Konsul Honorowy Królestwa Belgii we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Chile

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Finland

Honorary Consulate of France

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania

Honorary Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Malta

Honorary Consulate of the United Mexican States

Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Sweden

Konsul Generalny Ukrainy we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej we Wrocławiu

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Italy

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

Konsulat Królestwa Norwegii

Konsulat Honorowy Hiszpanii

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Indii

Konsulat Węgier we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Republiki Kazachstanu we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Gruzji

Honorowy Konsulat Estonii

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Turcji we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Federacyjnej Republiki Brazylii we Wrocławiu