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Słowackie menu w Restauracji Cesarsko-Królewskiej

Slovak Menu in Cesarsko-Królewska Restaurant

Date 02-06-2017

Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic

Polski English

Content in: English

The premiere of Slovak menu in the Imperial- Royal Restaurant was held on Friday, the 2nd of June. At the dinner were invited the Honorary Consul of Slovakia Maciej Kaczmarski, director of the Slovak Tourism Center in Poland Ján Bošnovič, culinary reviewer and authority Robert Makłowicz, chef in the Imperial-Royal Restaurant Michał Mamorski, sommelier Łukasz Grabowiec and Wroclaw bloggers, journalists and critics.

Five delicious dishes were served to the invited guests: a delicate and creamy Slovak chees “pomazanka”, warming stomachs and hearts lentil soup, traditional “haluszki” in sheep cheese, classic goose confit and wonderful sweet scorched plums with dumplings. The invited chef was telling about served dishes.

This meeting was not only a tasting event, it was an event in honor of our southern neighbors. Guests shared their many years of experience and knowledge in many areas. Ján Bošnovič charmed the participants with his stories about the cuisine and Slovak tradition. Very interesting was the presentation of Łukasz Grabowiec, who talked about wines with passion and involvement . Robert Makłowicz also shared his own impressions and observations what was appreciated by all guests.

You could listen to the incredible performance of the Slovakian band at the entrance to the restaurant. This extraordinary event was held in honor of the Slovaks, whose cuisine, culture and tradition are incredibly colorful and engaging.


Photos: Filip Susmanek

Lista konsulatów:

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Austria

Konsul Honorowy Królestwa Belgii we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Chile

Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Finland

Honorary Consulate of France

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Lithuania

Honorary Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Malta

Honorary Consulate of the United Mexican States

Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic

Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Sweden

Konsul Generalny Ukrainy we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej we Wrocławiu

Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Italy

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Łotewskiej

Konsulat Królestwa Norwegii

Konsulat Honorowy Hiszpanii

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Indii

Konsulat Węgier we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Republiki Kazachstanu we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Gruzji

Honorowy Konsulat Estonii

Konsulat Honorowy Republiki Turcji we Wrocławiu

Konsulat Honorowy Federacyjnej Republiki Brazylii we Wrocławiu